Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program builds communities, creates leaders & changes lives
Mentorship Program
The Mentorship Program, part of the Settlement Workers in Schools (SWIS) initiative, supports newcomer immigrant and refugee youth in grades 7–12 with settling into Canadian schools and communities. Through resources, information, and personalized guidance, the program helps ease the transition for these students.
A unique aspect of the program involves the participation of Peer Mentors, youth who were once newcomers themselves, who provide support for incoming newcomer youth during programming and community connections activities.
Other Mentorship Programs
Welcome & Information for Newcomers (WIN) is for junior high youth in grades 7-9 and Newcomer Orientation & Welcome (NOW) is for high school youth in grades 10-12. Both programs are designed to prepare youth for the Canadian school system. Offered twice per year at select schools and Calgary Public Library locations.
Cross-Age Mentorship Program
High school students mentor and guide newcomer youth in grades 7-9 by providing them with a positive role model and supporting their emotional and academic needs.
Offered at select junior high schools during the school year.
Transitioning Into Post-Secondary (TIPS)
Post-secondary students act as mentors by providing newcomer youth with the information and support necessary to make a successful transition into post-secondary studies.
Offered twice per year at select post-secondary campuses and Calgary Public Library locations.
To learn more about our programs or to apply, please contact us at mentorship@cbfy.ca or call 403-230-7745